We would like to thank everyone who entered!
The winner will be revealed in Friday's Scottish Daily Record newspaper and also on our social media channels check out our Facebook , Instagram & Twitter. Make sure you're following us so you don't miss out!
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Graham Snow - Perch
Whilst Fishing on a large Scottish Loch and after battling with a week of windy weather the fish finally switched on. I caught many large Perch in a two hour window. I had been desperately trying to get a 4lb fish for a number of years, and it happened twice minutes apart. The biggest weighing in at 4lb 3oz. Fish caught on the dropshot. |
Clara Litzmann - Brown Trout |
Biggest fish I've ever caught Monster trout put up a good fight in the Northwest Highlands. |
Alex Saville - Bass |
Lee Ross - Grayling
Caught this Grayling on a day out with a friend on the upper Tweed, it measured 55cm long and 30cm girth a new personal best |
Thomas Hanlon - Pike Fishing from Kayak in 10ft water.
Huge pike Smashed a Westin red-light shad and took around 100m line across loch Lomond.Went out on the dinghy for a quick cast after work. Caught as the sun went behind the hill just before heading home. Thought it was a snag at first but it just kept going- a hairy landing on a 10-30g rod with 12lb braid. Wife screamed and I went weak at the knees when the fins first surfaced. Perks of living in the north west Highlands
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