Scottish Youth Fly Fishing Team Report from 4 Nations International 2024 at Grafham Water


Scottish Youth Flyfishing Team Grafham Water 2024

The Scottish Youth Team took part in the 4 Nations International at Grafham Water in England on the 31st of July. The team had 2 official practice days before competition day. Conditions were very tough over the 3 days with temperatures soaring to 32 degrees most days. The team gave a 100% throughout the competition and narrowly missed out on gold by the weight of one fish gaining a silver medal for an amazing effort. 

1st Ireland 24 fish 48lb 4oz                               2nd Scotland 21 Fish 45lb 11oz 

3rd England 15 Fish 33lb 10oz                          4th Wales 9 Fish 19lb 7oz

During the practice days, the team built up a positive attitude gaining confidence in various methods to suit the conditions. Team captain Jake Gilchrist took the lead and skillfully set out a strategy for the team to follow on match day. The 2nd day of practice was cut short due to the soaring temperatures, so the team headed back to the hotel for some fly-tying and an early night to rest and prepare for the match.

On match day the 4 nations were piped on route to the boats by Scottish team members Ruaraidh Fowler and Fergus Murray before the match got underway. All boats successfully departed the harbour at 10.00am. The team had agreed to change their caps to pink ones once they had their first two fish netted. This would alert other team members in the competition and committee members who were wandering the banks observing that they were indeed catching.

As the match drew to a close it was clear it was going to be between Scotland and Ireland by the numbers appearing to be caught. The competition was decided by overall weight and the team waited for the final result knowing it was a close competition. Scotland narrowly missed the gold medal spot but the team should be proud of running the winners so close and celebrate a massive achievement getting silver in such tough conditions.

Scottish Youth International Flyfishing Team & Sponsors 2024

At the Gala dinner the team were again piped into the reception by team members Ruaraidh and Fergus. All teams were presented with their medals as well as each individual nation’s trophies. Top Scottish rod was awarded to Rory Stewart and heaviest fish to James Coull. The David Bell Merit Trophy was awarded to Beck Lyon for outstanding teamwork over the past year and was presented by team captain Jake Gilchrist.

Rory Stewart
James Coull
Beck Lyon


Although the team does considerable fundraising throughout the year, securing sponsorship is extremely important in helping the team reach their goals each year. A few of the examples of fundraising efforts undertaken by the kids on the team last year included; raising money by climbing Munros. arranging Fishathons, running a Ceilidh and selling homemade flies to raise funds.
Securing additional sponsorship finance contributes towards the costs of hotels for the international, training days, uniforms, equipment and transport to name a few. Without being able to procure this much needed funding, the cost to individuals and parents is significantly higher than what's been possible in previous campaigns.

All sponsorship received is greatly appreciated and the Scottish Youth Team would like to send a sincere thank you to Glasgow Angling Centre, Greys Fishing and may others for their support in previous years and during the 2024 campaign.

The Team are now commencing the quest for gold as Scotland hosts the home international next year at Lake Menteith near Aberfoyle. This starts with the qualifiers to find the new team at Harelaw Fishery on 7th September & Lake of Menteith on 13th October. 

If you're interested in sponsoring the team or if you know someone who would like to compete for a spot in the 2025 team check out
