We've got some fantastic entries this week with a variety species from up and down the country: Catfish, Pike, Rainbow Trout, Carp, Zander, Atlantic Salmon, Tope, Brown Trout, Bass a Smoothhound! We would like to thank everyone who entered!
The winner will be revealed in tomorrow's Scottish Daily Record newspaper and also on our social media channels check out our Facebook , Instagram & Twitter. Make sure you're following us so you don't miss out!
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Bruce Buchan Wells Catfish - Weighing it a 85lb this came on Bruce's first Cat trip. Bruce wants to thank Andy Baldock and Calvin Crampton who helped him land this one!
Francis Logan Pike - After 3 days without a bite 2 nice doubles came along within 12 hours with the biggest weighing 18lb
Kobi Wilson Pike - 10 year old Kobi caught this really nice pike at Black Loch. He just started fishing this year and caught the pike on mackerel. Kobi said the pike had a head double the size of his.
Craig Pike - 13 years old and catching this 22lb beast first cast. Absolute beautiful pike, proud dad moment
Thomas Mcconnell Rainbow Trout - Thomas was out on the Lake of Menteith with his dad and had a ball. Lots of follows, lost fish then this belter as his first ever fish on the fly
Christopher Hall Carp - After fishing selmwood a few times with no luck Christopher managed to get his PB of 16.8lb, struggled to lift this one!
Robert Bramman Zander - Robert's first Zander, not a big one but a welcome one. He travelled from Aberdeen to fish the Severn and caught this on a soft lure on a warm humid day
Jamie Parsons Tope - Jamie's new pb shore caught tope caught at aAuchenlarie SW Scotland on whole Joey Mackerel weighing in at 32lb
Ben Morris Salmon - This stunning 15lb Salmon was caught on the upper river Wear, after a fantastic fight the fish was safely returned back to the
river to continue on its journey to the spawning grounds. 
Lee Ross Brown Trout - Lee's PB Brown Trout on the Tweed this week, just before his birthday, it was just under 70cm, caught on a 10ft #3 nymphing setup.

David Williamson Trout - this fabulous fish fish was caught on a wee size 14 nymph tied by myself they are a beautiful trout and can grow big tight lines

Andrew Clark Bass - A few hours to spare after work Andrew headed down to the Clyde estuary. Saw cormorants arriving, he heard a splash yards from me the sea trout and bass were in. Noticing sprats in the water I put on a lure that looks like the bait fish. 10 yards from me an explosion in the water and this fish was on!

John Cass Smoothhound - John caught his PB smoothhound a few nights ago, it weighed 9lb 3oz. Fishing his local beach in Ramsgate Kent, that night he had 4 Smoothhounds out, the other 3 all weighed between 5-6lb, all fish caught on large prawn baits at high tide and slack water.
Lee Ross Brown Trout - Lee's PB Brown Trout on the Tweed this week, just before his birthday, it was just under 70cm, caught on a 10ft #3 nymphing setup.
David Williamson Trout - this fabulous fish fish was caught on a wee size 14 nymph tied by myself they are a beautiful trout and can grow big tight lines
Andrew Clark Bass - A few hours to spare after work Andrew headed down to the Clyde estuary. Saw cormorants arriving, he heard a splash yards from me the sea trout and bass were in. Noticing sprats in the water I put on a lure that looks like the bait fish. 10 yards from me an explosion in the water and this fish was on!
John Cass Smoothhound - John caught his PB smoothhound a few nights ago, it weighed 9lb 3oz. Fishing his local beach in Ramsgate Kent, that night he had 4 Smoothhounds out, the other 3 all weighed between 5-6lb, all fish caught on large prawn baits at high tide and slack water.
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