Tying The Mick Reid with Steve Cullen

According to Steve, years ago, Phil Dixon requested an individual to tie a Cats Whisker, however, because this individual was colour blind, they could not get the colours correct and tied the fly with what they felt was the correct pattern. Although it was not correct, when applied in the water, this fly is incredibly effective. It has provided results not only in the UK, but across into the EU and of course, in the States. It does resemble that of a Black Fritz which is also, an incredibly popular pattern and many Anglers will swear by it, that the Frtiz will always provide results.

All of the materials needed to tie this fly are available from Glasgow Angling Centre as listed below, but as always, if you need any help finding materials or substitutes then we'll be happy to help. Time to create The Mick Reid, with the guidance of Steve Cullen.

