Tying a Blue & Partridge Wet, Soft Hackle Fly with Davie McPhail

The Blue Partridge originated as a river pattern in the North of England but using the original’s blueprint this fly has changed and evolved into a small stream and Stillwater favourite. The book that Davie McPhail references is Pritt’s 1985 "Yorkshire Trout Flies", where he remarks that this pattern is “A first-rate killer in biggish water any time after the middle of May.’

This Partridge and Blue, sometimes know as the Gravelbed is featured in many North Country fly lists, it’s a versatile spider pattern that can be tied in a selection of different colours as shown by Davie with his variant collection to cover hatches all through the season.

All of the materials needed to tie this fly are available from Glasgow Angling Centre as listed below, but as always, if you need any help finding materials or substitutes then we'll be happy to help. Time to tie a Blue Partridge Wet, Soft Hackle Fly, with the guidance of Davie McPhail.

Materials Used:
Hook: Fulling Mill All-Purpose Medium size 14 Thread: Blue Pearsall's Silk or Sub Body: Grey Natural Dubbing Hackle: Grey Partridge

Additional materials: Additionally, Davie made use of Varnish, which he applied to the thread after completing the fly.

Davie's preferred type of whip finish tool can be found HERE!
