Tying the Downhill Fly Wet Fly with Davie McPhail

The Downhill Fly can be found on the trucks of many different trees or posts along or near the water waterside. Once these Flies land on the trees they turn their heads downwards. Once they have run their cycle, they get blown onto the water and sink. This allows any cruising Trout to simply pick them up and enjoy a quick meal. Davie made this Fly from the book that he references in his video: "The Fly-Fisher's Entomology". He mentions that this fly can be set up with different variants and it's always a great idea, to have a variety of patterns in your tackle box.

All of the materials needed to tie this fly are available from Glasgow Angling Centre as listed below, but as always, if you need any help finding materials or substitutes then we'll be happy to help. Time to tie a Small Bait Fish Fly, with the guidance of Davie McPhail.

Materials Used:
Hook: Fulling Mill All-Purpose Medium size 14 Thread: Grey Pearsall's Silk or Similar Tag: Grey Silk Body: Yellow Floss or Orange Wing: From the Secondary Feathers of a Woodcock Wings Hackle: Whiting Furnace Hen

Additional materials: Additionally, Davie made use of Varnish, which he applied to the thread after completing the fly.

Davie's preferred type of whip finish tool can be found HERE!
