Tying a Clyde Style Wet Fly the Blae & Ginger with Davie McPhail

The Clyde-style fly is distinct from all other trout flies. Designed to the exact anatomical proportions of the natural insect, it is slender in outline with delicate body markings and very slim wings set at an unusual angle. It is equally successful on stream, river or lake for trout and grayling.

All of the materials needed to tie this fly are available from Glasgow Angling Centre as listed below, but as always, if you need any help finding materials or substitutes then we'll be happy to help. Time to tie the Blae & Ginger, with the guidance of Davie McPhail.

Materials Used:
Hook: Size 14 wet fly Thread: Pearsall's Gossamer Yellow Silk or Uni-8/0 Tag: Small Gold Tinsel
Body: Yellow Thread Hackle: Ginger Hen Wing: Secondary Feather from a Snipe or Starling

Additional materials: Additionally, Davie made use of Varnish, which he applied to the thread after completing the fly.

Davie's preferred type of whip finish tool can be found HERE!
