The fly tying demonstrations are always one of the most popular part of our
Open Weekends and the next one coming up on the 25th, 26th and 27th of September 2015 will be no different! Our successful instore format will be bringing you more of the countries top fly tyers, sponsored by
Veniard and supported by
Partridge, making this the premier fly tying event in Scotland! All of these tyers are at the very top of their game and will go out of their way to show you how to perform the latest techniques and how to tie any style of fly you can think of. They will even take the time to guide you round our massive fly tying department during their sceduled 'floor time', helping you to choose the right equipment and materials from our extensive range, so don't miss out and come to
Scotland's biggest FREE angling event!
Paul Procter |
Paul Procter
Best known for his prolific writing and perfectly tied flies in Trout and Salmon and Trout Fisherman magazines, Paul is a qualified AAPGAI instructor at Masters level and is regarded by many to be one of the top fly tyers and casters in the UK. Based in Cumbria, with over 30 years fly fishing experience, Paul provides first class guiding, fly casting and fly fishing tuition to all levels and abilities and as well as offering knowledge of his home waters, he is equally experienced on rivers, stillwaters and saltwater throughout the UK and abroad. Paul also specialises in hosted trips to destinations all over the world, targeting species such as wild Brown Trout, Grayling, Bonefish, Tarpon and Permit in locations as diverse as Poland, Slovenia, Iceland, Bosnia, Mexico, New Zealand and even Scotland.
Paul Little |
Paul Little
Paul's passion is for dressing Salmon flies, especially the classics. He enjoys dressing the Grub patterns, Spey flies and those flies that most people have forgotten - but he still ties a mean Blae and Black and enjoys tying saltwater patterns too. In recent years he has given both Salmon and Trout fly workshops in the US and the UK and enjoys the experience very much. The important thing to Paul is mastering the basic techniques and having done so, to disseminate those skills for the benefit of other Fly dressers.
Allan Liddle |
Allan Liddle
Based in Morayshire Scotland, GAIA qualified Trout instructor Allan Liddle has been a regular contributor to
Fly Fishing and Fly Tying Magazine since 2001. Allan specialises in wild Trout from wild places throughout the scottish mainland and the outer isles in both running and still water and is equally as happy on the largest rivers and lochs, through to the smallest streams and lochans. Although he enjoys all forms of fly fishing, Allan has a special passion for fishing dries, claiming 'The anticipation and visual thrill of the take is by far the most exciting and satisfying aspect of the sport.'
Ian Mckenzie |
Ian McKenzie
Ian Mckenzie retired from the position of Technical Manager at Fulling Mill after 17 years at the end of 2010. His position involved developing new patterns, turning people’s ideas into commercial propositions, sourcing all necessary materials & hooks, tying samples, and maintaining quality standards. Since his retirement he has continued tying flies for personal customers and has even found time to tie some for himself. An enthusiastic fisherman since the age of 10, living close to and fishing the Thames but graduating to fly fishing for Trout at Weirwood Reservoir in Sussex at 18, and subsequently fishing around the UK for trout, salmon, and Grayling, Ian has been tying his own flies for the last 40 years. Recently he has also taken to fishing for Carp on the fly – great fun! Ian looks forward to meeting many tyers at the show and will be happy to spend time with anybody who has specific problems and needs a hand.
Darryl Mooney |
Darryl Mooney
Darryl is the UK and Ireland Sales Director for Partridge of Redditch and has been tying for over 36 years. He grew up fishing for wild brownies on his local River Lagan in Northern Ireland and this remains his passion to this day. A committed advocate of catch and release, he has a particular interest in all aspects of Euro Nymphing and will be demonstrating tying Woven Czech Nymphs on Friday and as well as being on hand to offer advice on the range of Partridge Hooks on all three days.
Jim Lees |
Jim Lees
Jim began fly fishing on a small tributary of the river Clyde in Scotland almost 30 years ago and started fly tying at the same time; He didn't realise he had a choice, and with no local fly shops he assumed if you wanted to fly fish you had to tie your own flies. It seemed natural to him there wouldn't be one without the other. With basic instructions from a friend his early efforts were crude to say the least but they caught some fish and launched a lifelong passion!
Catch Jim on Sunday!
Check out our fly tying schedule, so you can plan your visit and catch the tyers you want to see over the three days - plan ahead and don't miss your favourites!
CLICK to enlarge! |
There really is something for everyone at these events, that's why they are the biggest in Scotland - and this one promises to be the biggest ever! With FREE parking and FREE entry, there will be loads of things to see and do on the
Open Weekend dates as well as some amazing bargains on all types of fishing tackle. Keep an eye out on
Twitter and
instore for more info on what's going on at this event! Plus don't forget to register for your FREE GIFT on the day! Click
HERE for details!
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