Tying a Melvin Gosling Variant with Davie McPhail

Davie ties his variant of the Melvin Gosling, a classic Mayfly pattern for the Irish loughs, but equally at home on the lochs and lakes of the rest of the UK.

Materials used:
Hook: Kamasan B175 size 10
Thread: Uni-8/0 Yellow
Tail: Mallard Flank fibres, natural and dyed, and Chinese Cock Hackle fibres dyed sunburst
Rib: Uni-Floss Neon Hot Orange
Body: Seals Fur, natural and dyed yellow
Hackles: Chinese Cock dyed sunburst and orange, French Partridge Dyed Orange, Mallard Flank in Natural, dyed yellow and dyed olive, and finally a Dyed Sunburst Guinea Fowl

Davies preferred type of whip finish tool can be found HERE!

All of the materials needed to tie this fly are available from Glasgow Angling Centre - if you need any help finding them or choosing substitutes we will be more than happy to help!
