New Gear at Guideline |
Guideline have just launched a new range of bags for keeping your gear much more organised. Regardless of whether you are going on a long trip or just an evening session on your local water, these bags cater for all eventualities. The goal during the design stage of these bags was to make them lightweight, stronger and more water resistant than other bags on the market. Additionally Guideline wanted to make the bags much more durable for travelling so have integrated reinforcements to ensure your equipment is safe. The new range includes the Guideline GL Duffel Bag, Guideline GL Travel Bag, Guideline GL Large Gear Bag and the Guideline GL Reel Bag.
Guideline GL Travel Bag |
Guideline GL Travel Bag is lightweight and the perfect companion for those longer trips! It's packed full of features including heavy duty, wide, roller wheels, hauling handles and an oversized lid that covers the zipper from rain.
Guideline GL Duffel Bag |
Guideline GL Duffel Bag is ideal for shorter fishing trips or as an everyday carryall. The GL Duffel Bag not only looks good but is also made from strong TPE, water resistant fabric.
Guideline GL Large Gear Bag |
Guideline GL Large Gear Bag is not only tough and lightweight but also great for storing everything from tippets, spare spools, fly boxes, fly reels, cameras and loads more. With it's ample space, it is very easily adaptable to your needs.
Guideline Reelbag
Guideline Reelbag is one of the strongest, durable bags on the market. Not only is it built to withstand all the you can through at it, it will also give you confidence that all your valuable gear is well protected. With adjustable compartments, it's got plenty of room for all your essential gear.
You can buy these new bags from Glasgow Angling Centre instore or online by clicking
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