Our Open Weekends Just Keep Getting Better!

What can we say?  Another truly awesome GAC Open Weekend done and dusted and one of our best attended events to date!
Matt Hayes
The atmosphere was tremendous.  Anglers from all over the UK flocked to meet some of the most famous and influential faces in fishing, including Matt Hayes, Hywel Morgan and Scott MacKenzie.  They got to see and try out the latest fishing tackle and witnessed some of the best fly tyers in the world showcase their skills and expertise.  
A Scott MacKenzie Spey Casting Masterclass
Captivated by Davie McPhail's Tying Skills
Our open weekends are a great opportunity to pick up a bargain, however they also create a fantastic 'community' feel where like minded anglers come together to learn new things, and indulge their passion.
Plenty of Gear on Show
Learning is always at the top of Glasgow Angling Centre's agenda.  We are passionate about helping our customers get the best from their tackle, that's why we invite the best names in the sport to come and demonstrate their techniques for the benefit of everyone.
Hywel Morgan - A Good Crowd Watches On
So we'd like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who attended our open weekend and supported us in making it once again the biggest Scottish angling event of the year.  We also look forward to seeing you again in March which promises to be bigger and better!

Here are just a few of the many messages we have received from attendees of the event...

'My dad took me and my sister to your store today, we want to say thanks for a great day. I met Matt Hayes and we got an autograph and our photo taken with Matt. He was great with us and made our day, dad said it was good he took the time to speak to us, a big thanks to the Glasgow Angling Centre' - Patrick Quinn, Aged 11

'Just a quick note to thank you for the invite to the open weekend again, I had a great time meeting new and existing customers alike!' - David Edwards, Bug Bond

'A big thank you from me for inviting us along to the open weekend, your staff where very helpful and welcoming and we learnt a lot from talking to a wide range of fisherman' - Cameron Radford, Clyde Outboard Services

'Thanks to @glasgowangling today for their informative day and also cheers for the free fly box which I only noticed when I got home!' - Kevin O'Donnell, on Twitter
