We have now confirmed the dates for the next GAC Open Weekend! On the 24th and 25th of September 2011 we will host the perfect event to celebrate the end of a successful season. Come along and receive expert advice and tuition form our superb line-up of fishing stars who will be attending the Open Weekend to help anglers get the most from their sport. They will be there to offer workshops, demonstrations, talks and much much more. Plus have a look at the latest gear from all the top brands, including some sneak peaks at next years new products, and of course we will have hundreds of bargains on offer over both days. So stick the dates in your diary and join the thousands of anglers who attend these special events!
Davy McPhail is an Open Weekend favourite!
Check back here for updates and since we put these events on for
YOU guys, let us know who and what
YOU want to see at the September Open Weekend at
Glasgow Angling Centre by leaving a comment here or on
our Facebook page and we will see what we can do!
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