Tying a Daddy Long Legs (Detached Body) with Davie McPhail

Davie ties a Detached Body Daddy Long Legs. This superb terrestrial pattern is extremely effective in the late summer months, when Daddies are blown onto the water in abundance.

Materials Used:
Hook: Kamasan B160 size 8
Thread: Uni-8/0 Brown or Tan
Body: Thin Fly Foam 2mm Tan
Legs: Knotted Pheasant Tail
Wing: Krystal Flash and Hackle Points
Thorax: Natural rabbit
Hackle: Natural Brown Cock

Davies preferred type of whip finish tool can be found HERE!

All of the materials needed to tie this fly are available from Glasgow Angling Centre - if you need any help finding them or choosing substitutes we will be more than happy to help!
