Another record breaking Glasgow Angling Centre Open Weekend has come and gone, and boy was this one a cracker!! It was our best attended event to date with literally thousands of people coming from all over the UK to rub shoulders with some of the biggest names in fishing. We even had bus-loads of people come over from Ireland, Wales and Cumbria to savour the unique atmosphere of what is arguably one of the UK's premier, free, fishing events.
Stars of Fishing |
A Very Busy Store |
Packed Aisles
The atmosphere over the 3 days was tremendous. Loads of people came to see the likes of Matt Hayes, Mick Brown, Paul Young, Hywel Morgan, Ian Gordon and a host of other famous names in fishing to get advice, photos and autographs. They also came to take advantage of the exclusive open weekend deals and offers to stock up for the season ahead.
Meeting Matt and Mick |
Busy Fly Tying Area |
Paul Young
At Glasgow Angling Centre, we are renowned for our passion for fishing and sharing knowledge and experience with our customers, so we pulled out all the stops to make sure this years event would be a serious treat. We had casting demos and tuition from the likes of Scott MacKenzie and Hywel Morgan, fly tying clinics and demos by Paul Proctor and Davy McPhail, rig tying demos from the best guys in Sea Fishing including Mike Thrussel and Steve Souter, we even had Anthony Glascoe, one of the UK's best loved Predator Anglers, demonstrate how to fish the Savage Gear 4 Play lures in huge water tank we hired for the weekend! Essentially, there was so much to see and do that you were spoilt for choice, no matter what type of fishing you were into!
Casting Demos |
Lure Tank |
So once again all the team at Glasgow Angling Centre would like to thank everyone who came and supported us to make the event a phenomenal success. We also wish you a very productive and successful 2012 fishing season and look forward to serving you in the coming months.
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